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Blog & Featured Article’s

Welcome to our blog, where innovation meets insight. Dive into our collections, from expert interviews in ‘Manufacturers Make Strides’ to the latest Tascus product updates and educational resources designed to elevate manufacturing excellence. Explore, learn, and lead the change with us.

Our Recent Blog Posts:

Simple Ways to Improve Sustainability in Manufacturing

Sustainability in manufacturing is no longer just a buzzword—it's a crucial element for the future of the industry. As environmental concerns grow and regulations tighten, manufacturers are seeking innovative ways to reduce their carbon footprint, minimize waste, and...

Solving Key Pain Points in Manufacturing with Tascus MES

One of the largest unseen impacts of the outdated manufacturing industry is the negative effect on people working in it. They are becoming demoralised, by building faulty products, caused by manual errors that could be avoided. The major inefficiencies holding back...

How to Measure and Increase Manufacturing Output

Increasing production output is a critical objective for any manufacturing business aiming to stay competitive. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by accurately measuring and increasing manufacturing output. Understanding the key metrics and...

Essential Strategies for Increasing Production Efficiency

In the competitive world of manufacturing, production efficiency is crucial for maintaining profitability and staying ahead of the competition. Efficient production processes reduce waste, minimise costs, and ensure timely delivery of high-quality products....

Simple Ways to Cut Costs on the Manufacturing Floor

Manufacturing is a critical component of many businesses, but it also represents a significant portion of operational expenses. Streamlining processes and implementing cost-saving measures can have a substantial impact on the bottom line. Here are some effective...

Reducing Operational Risks on the Manufacturing Floor

Introduction In the fast-paced world of manufacturing, operational risks are a constant threat to efficiency, safety, and profitability. From equipment malfunctions to human error, these risks can lead to significant downtime, financial losses, and even injuries....

Exceeding Customer Expectations in B2B Manufacturing

Introduction In the competitive landscape of B2B manufacturing, exceeding customer expectations is crucial for fostering long-term relationships and driving sustained revenue growth. Unlike B2C transactions, B2B interactions involve complex, high-value orders and...

Enhancing Manufacturing Efficiency with Advanced Tech

In today's rapidly evolving industrial landscape, leveraging technology has become essential for maintaining a competitive edge. A recent study revealed that manufacturers implementing advanced technology solutions experience an average efficiency increase of 30%....

Navigating the Future of EV Supply Chains with Bhavik Shah

Introduction Hey there, welcome to another episode of the Manufacturers Makes Strides podcast. I'm your host, Martin Griffiths. Joining us today is Bhavik Shah, an electric vehicle technology expert and the business growth manager at Unipart Automotive. Bhavik has...

Cost-Effective Traceability Solutions for Manufacturers

Introduction In manufacturing, traceability means monitoring the journey of a product from the sourcing of raw materials, through the production process, and finally to the distribution and delivery to the end customer. This detailed tracking allows manufacturers to...

Education & Resources

Simple Ways to Improve Sustainability in Manufacturing

Sustainability in manufacturing is no longer just a buzzword—it's a crucial element for the future of the industry. As environmental concerns grow and regulations tighten, manufacturers are seeking innovative ways to reduce their carbon footprint, minimize waste, and...

Solving Key Pain Points in Manufacturing with Tascus MES

One of the largest unseen impacts of the outdated manufacturing industry is the negative effect on people working in it. They are becoming demoralised, by building faulty products, caused by manual errors that could be avoided. The major inefficiencies holding back...

How to Measure and Increase Manufacturing Output

Increasing production output is a critical objective for any manufacturing business aiming to stay competitive. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by accurately measuring and increasing manufacturing output. Understanding the key metrics and...

Essential Strategies for Increasing Production Efficiency

In the competitive world of manufacturing, production efficiency is crucial for maintaining profitability and staying ahead of the competition. Efficient production processes reduce waste, minimise costs, and ensure timely delivery of high-quality products....

Simple Ways to Cut Costs on the Manufacturing Floor

Manufacturing is a critical component of many businesses, but it also represents a significant portion of operational expenses. Streamlining processes and implementing cost-saving measures can have a substantial impact on the bottom line. Here are some effective...

Reducing Operational Risks on the Manufacturing Floor

Introduction In the fast-paced world of manufacturing, operational risks are a constant threat to efficiency, safety, and profitability. From equipment malfunctions to human error, these risks can lead to significant downtime, financial losses, and even injuries....

Exceeding Customer Expectations in B2B Manufacturing

Introduction In the competitive landscape of B2B manufacturing, exceeding customer expectations is crucial for fostering long-term relationships and driving sustained revenue growth. Unlike B2C transactions, B2B interactions involve complex, high-value orders and...

Enhancing Manufacturing Efficiency with Advanced Tech

In today's rapidly evolving industrial landscape, leveraging technology has become essential for maintaining a competitive edge. A recent study revealed that manufacturers implementing advanced technology solutions experience an average efficiency increase of 30%....

Cost-Effective Traceability Solutions for Manufacturers

Introduction In manufacturing, traceability means monitoring the journey of a product from the sourcing of raw materials, through the production process, and finally to the distribution and delivery to the end customer. This detailed tracking allows manufacturers to...

How Digital Tools are Enhancing Lean Manufacturing 

A Recap on Lean Manufacturing  Lean manufacturing is a systematic approach to production that aims to minimise waste while maximising value to the customer. Originating from the Toyota Production System, lean manufacturing focuses on creating more value with fewer...

‘Manufacturers Make Strides’ interviews

Navigating the Future of EV Supply Chains with Bhavik Shah

Introduction Hey there, welcome to another episode of the Manufacturers Makes Strides podcast. I'm your host, Martin Griffiths. Joining us today is Bhavik Shah, an electric vehicle technology expert and the business growth manager at Unipart Automotive. Bhavik has...

How To Make Your Mark by Engaging Employees

There’s a difference between being a business owner, and being a true entrepreneur; the latter has a passion, a spark, a hunger to drive their legacy forward and make a lasting difference in their industry. Mark Whitten is one such individual. His commitment to not...

How Visualising Data is Improving Productivity

Just as there’s a storyteller behind every novel, every car on the road is made possible by the manufacturers of steel and aluminium. But not every manufacturer is created equal… Led by Arun Thandapani, Hirschvogel is a pioneering steel and aluminium part supplier...

Changing the Automobile Game with Multipurpose Modular Vans

The way we move never stays the same for very long. Humans have transitioned from foot to carriage to car, and now, P.J Tezza is escorting mankind into the next generation of mobility – ModVans. The result of 1000+ hours of work and an unrelenting refusal to take no...

The Future of E-Vehicles…Changing the Way You Charge

E-vehicles were once considered the future of mobility. Now, it’s a solid present-day reality for drivers around the world. Countless drivers are now hopping into electric or hybrid cars, trucks, and buses instead of their fossil-fuelled powered counterparts. However,...

America and Automation… And the People Behind Both

Automation is one of the hottest topics in the engineering and manufacturing industries. The speed, efficiency, and potential hurdles of automation are the points of discussion on every agenda – including ours today. We’re talking to the co-founder of an online...

A Sparkling Future For Automotive Sensor Manufacturing

Technology has made incredible progress in the past few years. It makes our lives faster, simpler, and easier than ever. Even the way we park and drive our cars has become effortless thanks to sensitive motion detectors and sensors. Unfortunately, there never seems to...

Breaking The Manufacturing Start-Up Mold

Starting a new venture and breaking away from what you know is overwhelming, scary, and often, incredibly rewarding. What are some of the secrets to a successful manufacturing start-up that will not quit? What key lessons will help you break into the space with...

Robotic Process Automation

Draw. Inspect. Fail. Repeat. There are few things as frustrating in the engineering and development fields as the usually painful and ever-repetitive process of creating drawings from CAD models. That’s where Vin Kettay and Brian Gullette of Vectra Automation are...

How Actionable Sustainability In Manufacturing Can Save The World

Our world is facing some incredibly pressing issues at the moment, and companies around the globe are looking for new ways to solve them. Actionable sustainability in manufacturing – and how to achieve it as quickly and as effectively as possible – is the topic of the...

Product Updates

Tighten Multiple Fasteners in One Quick and Easy Step

With the aim of making it simpler to control the process of tightening multiple fasteners in one process, we’ve just published a Tascus update that enables you to tighten a batch of fasteners in one Tascus step. Configuring a Batch Tighten To tighten a batch of...

Adding Dynamic Data to Digital Work Instructions

We've just released a new feature to Tascus Manufacturing Execution System. It enables manufacturers to add dynamic data to digital work instructions. During the manufacturing process, you can eliminate the use of notepads to track measurements, readings and other...

Updated Production Views, Best Before Dates & ERP Integration

We've included a number of new features in Tascus to enable integration with ERP systems, create serial numbers, updated Best Before Dates, and more clarity on the production status report. Best Before Dates Best Before Dates (BBD) can now be configured in...

Tools for the Manufacturing Daily Stand Up Meeting

Tools for Manufacturing Daily Stand Up MeetingsHaving regular and effective daily management is one of the key things to make sure that you hit your manufacturing goals and achieve your production target -  weekly, monthly and quarterly. Within daily management, one...

Embrace Data-Driven Manufacturing

Jumpstart your journey with our free Digital Transformation Starter Kit. Gain the insights to make smarter decisions and elevate your manufacturing process.