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About Us

Welcome to Metis Automation:

Empowering Manufacturing to Transform Working Lives.

Our Mission

At Metis Automation, we are on a mission to empower manufacturers to create excellence through technical innovation. Our Award-Winning MES software, Tascus liberates businesses from outdated and unpractical paper- based systems. Were inspired to help our customers join the 4th Industrial Revolution, of digital transformation with ease.   


Our Founding Story

“Imagine a factory where every manufacturing process flows seamlessly, where every product leaving your factory bears the mark of excellence.” This is the vision of our Co-Founder Martin and his journey to transform manufacturing is rooted in real-world experiences.

Martin’s career began on the shop floor of Tier One Automotive companies where he spent his days as a Manufacturing Manager, fighting fires that could have been avoided. He witnessed firsthand the repercussions of manual errors and the frustration of apologising to customers for faulty products. These moments ignited a desire in him, for a better way forward.


Determined to create optimal experiences for manufacturers, Martin pursued software engineering which he soon became passionate about. This led him to Co-Found Metis Automation in 2009, with his wife Bernadette. Their shared vision was clear: To create software that elevates the working lives of manufacturers and enables them to create outstanding quality products, that they can be proud of.

Since then, Martin has become the only software Architect in the world to score 100% on the Architect exam. As a company they have completed well over 150 projects including working with the European Space Agency testing the Solar Orbiter for which they became finalists in the NI Engineering Impact Awards.

With the advent of the 4th Industrial Revolution, Martin knew that the time had come to create a software product to create impacts for manufactures on multiple levels throughout the factory. Him and their team channelled their collective expertise into Tascus. Each feature of Tascus was designed working directly with real customers to alleviate their problems.

Tascus garnered recognition by winning the prestigious Industry 4.0 Award from the Northern Automotive Alliance, but the true victory lies in the positive impact Tascus has on the daily operations of its users.

Tascus garnered recognition by winning the prestigious Industry 4.0 Award from the Northern Automotive Alliance, but the true victory lies in the positive impact Tascus has on the daily operations of its users.

Our team at Metis Automation are inspired to enhance the quality of your working life, to give you the tools you need so that you can take pride in the products that you create.

At Metis Automation we’re in the business of empowering you with software that transforms your challenges into triumphs. Join us in shaping the future, one factory at a time.

 It's time to love your job again

Revolutionising Working Lives

Today, Metis Automation is dedicated to supporting manufacturers to progress in the Forth Industrial Revolution, by moving them from paper systems to Digital Work Instructions. Our Core customers are in based in Europe and America and  typically work in the Automotive, Aerospace and Biotechnology Industries. 

We invite you to join us on this transformative journey. We can help empower you to make decisions faster, create outstanding quality products and revolutionise working lives within your factory.

Meet the Team

Martin Griffiths | CEng/CLA
CTO Founder

Bernadette Griffiths
CRO Founder

Dr Brian Towlson

Peter Whiteley

Alisha Jhalli
Customer Support

Robyn Clark
Personal Assistant to CTO

Unlock the Potential of
Digital Manufacturing

Download our free Digital Transformation Starter Kit to redefine operational clarity and excellence for your organisation.

Our Reason Why

In our 14 years working with manufacturers, we’ve found 4 key pain points, to be resolved: 


With product quality issues, a company risks losing their customers, or losing new business, if a competitor has an MES, to ensure product quality, and they don’t. 


Being able to trace how products have been manufactured, is essential for compliance regulations. For growing manufacturers, recording this on paper accurately has become an impossible task.  

If there is a defect in the materials and rework is needed, it can be achieved much faster with software that has reliably traced every stage of the production process.  


Manufacturing companies compete in a global market, and are under constant pressure from customers, to lower their costs and pass on those cost savings.
It’s a necessity to have high productivity, to maintain healthy profit margins. With
Tascus, one of our clients, has reduced operator training time, from 6 months, to 2 weeks! 


Tascus allows key users such as CEO’s, Operations Directors, Quality Directors, and Manufacturing Managers remote access to production data.
This means they
can access the information in real time from anywhere, allowing them to fix problems sooner and keep customers happy by shipping product on time

Your Reason Why

Five Reasons to Partner with
Metis Automation

Ready for your Demo?

Increase Your Production Efficiency
With an Award-Winning Paperless Manufacturing System