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Simple Ways to Improve Sustainability in Manufacturing

Simple Ways to Improve Sustainability in Manufacturing

Simple Ways to Improve Sustainability in Manufacturing

Sustainability in manufacturing is no longer just a buzzword—it’s a crucial element for the future of the industry.

As environmental concerns grow and regulations tighten, manufacturers are seeking innovative ways to reduce their carbon footprint, minimize waste, and enhance overall efficiency. By adopting sustainable practices, companies not only contribute to a healthier planet but also enjoy long-term economic benefits.

Here are three simple yet effective ways to improve sustainability in manufacturing:

Embracing Sustainability
in Manufacturing

Start greening your operations with our Digital Transformation Starter Kit.

Optimise Energy Usage

Energy Audits and Monitoring: Conduct regular energy audits to identify areas of high consumption and potential savings. Implementing energy-efficient lighting, heating, and cooling systems can significantly reduce energy usage.

Renewable Energy Sources: Invest in renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power. This not only reduces dependency on fossil fuels but also cuts down on greenhouse gas emissions.

Energy Efficiency

Energise your setup with our Starter Kit
for smarter energy use.

Reduce Waste Through
Lean Manufacturing

Lean Principles: Adopt lean manufacturing principles to streamline production processes, reduce waste, and improve efficiency. Techniques such as Just-in-Time (JIT) production ensure materials are used only when needed, minimising excess.

Recycling and Reusing Materials: Implement recycling programs for scrap materials and encourage the reuse of by-products. This can lead to significant cost savings and environmental benefits.

Implement a Digital Manufacturing

Enhanced Process Control: A Manufacturing Execution System (MES) like Tascus from Metis Automation can provide real-time monitoring and control of production processes. This leads to optimised resource use, reduced waste, and improved quality control.

Data-Driven Decision Making: MES systems collect and analyse data across the manufacturing process, identifying inefficiencies and areas for improvement. By leveraging this data, manufacturers can make informed decisions that enhance sustainability.

Lean Toward Sustainability

Streamline processes and reduce waste with our Starter Kit.

Final Thoughts

Improving sustainability in manufacturing is a journey that requires commitment and continuous improvement. By optimising energy usage, reducing waste through lean manufacturing, and implementing advanced systems like MES, manufacturers can make significant strides toward a more sustainable future.

Embracing these practices not only benefits the environment but also drives efficiency, reduces costs, and enhances the overall competitiveness of the business.

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Solving Key Pain Points in Manufacturing with Tascus MES

Solving Key Pain Points in Manufacturing with Tascus MES

Solving Key Pain Points in Manufacturing with Tascus MES

One of the largest unseen impacts of the outdated manufacturing industry is the negative effect on people working in it. They are becoming demoralised, by building faulty products, caused by manual errors that could be avoided.

The major inefficiencies holding back the manufacturing industry, have caused it to have an outdated image, leading to less young people choosing manufacturing as a career path.

For every Toyota or Airbus with a robot-driven, fully automated factory, there are a thousand more manufacturers, still reliant on unreliable paper processes. Leading to hundreds of wasted hours per month, on unnecessary admin work.

We’ve been working with manufacturers for over 12 years now, and we’ve found 4 key pain points to be resolved:

Revitalise Your
Manufacturing Environment

Download our free Digital Transformation Starter Kit. Equip your team with the right tools and knowledge to minimise operational risks and improve safety.

Ensuring Superior Product Quality with MES

With product quality issues, a company risks losing customers, or losing new business, if a competitor has an MES, to ensure product quality, and they don’t. One international aerospace company lost an order worth over £35M, for this very reason.

Lay the Groundwork for Quality Assurance

Start addressing quality control with our Starter Kit, preventing avoidable errors and setting up for Tascus’s advanced solutions

Enhancing Traceability for Compliance
and Efficiency

Being able to trace how products have been manufactured, is essential for compliance purposes. For growing manufactures, recording this on paper, has become an impossible task. We are working with several automotive companies who in the past have received hundreds of thousands of pounds in penalty charges from OEMs.

Boosting Productivity Through Automation
and Innovation

Manufacturing companies compete in a global market, and are under constant pressure from customers, to lower their costs and pass on those cost savings. It’s a necessity to have high productivity, to maintain healthy profit margins. With our system, clients have reduced operator training time, from 6 months, down to 2 weeks.

Initiate Productivity Gains

Leverage our Starter Kit to enhance operational efficiency and sharpen your competitive edge without overextending resources.

Achieving Real-Time Data Visibility for Optimal Decision Making

To fix problems and ship product on time, is necessary, to run a productive factory. One Biotech company employs 6 full-time managers, just to manually track production. If they weren’t doing this manually, they could better spend this time on value adding tasks.

Implementing Tascus MES for Manufacturing Excellence

Our solution is Tascus, a digital Manufacturing Execution System, (MES), that frees those who work in manufacturing, from unnecessary data collection and ensures that products are built right-first time.

It automatically traces every step of the manufacturing process,
whilst monitoring productivity, and provides real time visibility across the business.

Tascus also automatically collects 1000’s of data points, that can be used to track business, Key Performance Indicators, and quickly diagnose problems, in the manufacturing process.

By leaving these issues unresolved, manufacturing companies, who are still reliant on paper and spreadsheets are slipping further behind their competitors. They struggle to win new business when their quality performance drops and their costs inevitably rise.

Prepare for Tascus with
Our Starter Kit

Set the foundation for advanced manufacturing with tools from our Starter Kit, paving the way for full Tascus integration.

Tascus has enabled our clients to win new business, worth £ Millions annually, with a clients they wouldn’t have been able, to bring on board, without the use of our software.

Tascus has had 1000’s of hours of use in factories, by our clients in automotive, pharmaceutical, and electronics.

They tell us that they couldn’t have grown their businesses to where they are now, without the use of Tascus.

They would need an army of admin staff, to manage the paperwork that increased production volume brings.

They would be less competitive, and they wouldn’t have won and kept their loyal clients.

We envision a manufacturing industry, that’s automated, efficient, and attractive for young people to join, for decades, to come.

We Help Manufacturers
Make Great Quality Products

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How to Measure and Increase Manufacturing Output

How to Measure and Increase Manufacturing Output

How to Measure and Increase Manufacturing Output

Increasing production output is a critical objective for any manufacturing business aiming to stay competitive.

One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by accurately measuring and increasing manufacturing output. Understanding the key metrics and implementing strategies to enhance efficiency can lead to significant improvements in both productivity and quality.

In this article, we’ve created a detailed project plan that outlines strategic initiatives for increasing production output over the next 12 months in your factory.

Boost Production Output

Maximise efficiency with our Digital Transformation Starter Kit. Access strategic guides and templates to enhance your factory’s output. Download now and start optimising.

Goals & Project Team

Start by establishing clear goals and form a project team.

Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for the project.

Assemble a cross-functional team, including project managers, production managers, engineers, IT specialists, and key operators.

Enhance Operational Efficiency

Elevate your production with our Digital Transformation Starter Kit. Download now for expert resources to refine your manufacturing processes.


Creating a thorough project plan will help to map out the project from start to finish. The project plan should include:

Conduct a thorough analysis of current production processes, equipment efficiency, and workforce capabilities.

Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) such as Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), cycle time, and throughput.

Identify and allocate necessary resources, including budget, personnel, and technology.

Perform a risk assessment and develop mitigation strategies.


Now you are ready to start implementing the project to increase production output. These are my suggestions of the top activities to undertake to increase production output, you can pick one or multiple techniques to implement from each section.

Process Optimisation
Implement lean manufacturing principles such as 5S, Kaizen, and value stream mapping to eliminate waste and streamline processes.
Redesign workflows to reduce bottlenecks and improve process flow.
Update and standardize SOPs to ensure consistency and efficiency.

Utilise Tascus Digital Work Instructions to standardise and update SOPs across the factory for improved efficiency. ​

Technology Enhancement
Install and integrate automated monitoring systems for real-time data collection.
Implement AI-powered predictive maintenance tools to reduce downtime.
Introduce IoT devices, robotics, and other advanced technologies to automate repetitive tasks.

Gain complete visibility of your manufacturing process with Tascus’ Real-Time Visibility feature to track the status of products as they move through the factory.

Workforce Efficiency
Develop and deliver comprehensive training programs focused on new technologies and lean manufacturing techniques.
Foster a culture of continuous improvement through regular feedback sessions and incentive programs.
Establish cross-functional teams to drive innovation and process improvements.

Enhance workforce efficiency with Tascus’ Digital Manufacturing Travelers to ensure full traceability and compliance with ease.​

Supercharge Your Production Process

Advance production with our Digital Transformation Starter Kit. Download now for essential tools and resources to optimise your operations.

Monitoring & Wrap Up

Once you’ve started the implementation phase of the project, it’s important to measure what matters and keep on top of progress.

Conduct monthly progress reviews against KPIs to track performance and identify areas needing adjustment.

Utilise data analytics to continuously monitor production metrics and adjust strategies as needed.

Encourage a culture of continuous improvement by implementing suggestions from employees and stakeholders.

Acknowledge and celebrate the efforts and successes of the project team and all involved employees.

Key Milestones

An illustration of a manufacturing facility with workers actively engaged in monitoring and measuring production output. Highlight a central figure analyzing data on a digital dashboard, with charts and graphs displaying key performance indicators (KPIs) like Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). The background can include advanced machinery and a well-organized production line, emphasizing efficiency and productivity.

To help track progress in this manufacturing output project, you can use these key project milestones.

Month 1: Project kickoff, team formation, and stakeholder engagement.

Month 3: Completion of current state analysis, KPI development, and resource allocation.

Month 6: Implementation of process optimization initiatives.

Month 9: Completion of technology enhancements and workforce training.

Month 12: Final evaluation and project closure.

Track and Achieve Manufacturing Goals

Optimise your project milestones with our Digital Transformation Starter Kit. Download now to efficiently monitor and enhance manufacturing output.

Final Thoughts

By following this structured project plan, your factory can effectively increase production output over the next 12 months.

Implementing these strategic initiatives will help you achieve significant gains and sustain long-term success in your manufacturing operations.

Embrace these strategies to unlock the full potential of your manufacturing processes, drive efficiency, and enhance productivity.

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Essential Strategies for Increasing Production Efficiency

Essential Strategies for Increasing Production Efficiency

Essential Strategies for Increasing Production Efficiency

In the competitive world of manufacturing, production efficiency is crucial for maintaining profitability and staying ahead of the competition. Efficient production processes reduce waste, minimise costs, and ensure timely delivery of high-quality products. Implementing effective strategies to improve production efficiency can lead to significant gains in productivity and overall business performance. In this article, we’ll explore three essential strategies to enhance production efficiency in your manufacturing operations.

Enhance Production Efficiency

Transform your manufacturing processes with our Digital Transformation Starter Kit. Get practical templates and guides to boost productivity and reduce costs.

Implement Lean Manufacturing Principles

An illustration showing a well-organized manufacturing floor with minimal clutter. Workers are seen efficiently managing inventory and processes. Include visual elements like flowcharts and diagrams on walls, a worker implementing a 5S principle (sort, set in order, shine, standardize, sustain), and another worker making notes for continuous improvement. The scene should emphasize efficiency, waste reduction, and streamlined processes.

Lean manufacturing focuses on identifying and eliminating waste in all forms, including excess inventory, overproduction, waiting times, unnecessary transport, and defects. By streamlining processes and removing non-value-added activities, you can significantly enhance production efficiency.

Embrace a culture of continuous improvement where employees at all levels are encouraged to suggest and implement improvements. Regularly reviewing and optimising processes helps maintain high efficiency and adaptability to changing conditions.

Developing standardised work procedures ensures consistency and reduces variability in production processes. This leads to predictable and repeatable outcomes, making it easier to identify areas for improvement and training new employees.

Streamline Operations with
Lean Principles

Boost efficiency by eliminating waste and standardising procedures. Our Digital Transformation Starter Kit provides templates and guides to help you implement lean manufacturing.

Adopt Digital Manufacturing Systems

An illustration showing a well-organized manufacturing floor with minimal clutter. Workers are seen efficiently managing inventory and processes. Include visual elements like flowcharts and diagrams on walls, a worker implementing a 5S principle (sort, set in order, shine, standardize, sustain), and another worker making notes for continuous improvement. The scene should emphasize efficiency, waste reduction, and streamlined processes.

Utilise digital manufacturing systems like Tascus to monitor production processes in real-time. These systems provide valuable data and insights into machine performance, production rates, and potential bottlenecks, enabling quick decision-making and proactive issue resolution.

Automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks reduces human error and frees up skilled workers for more value-added activities. Integrating digital systems with existing machinery and software enhances coordination and efficiency across the entire production line.

Implement predictive maintenance using digital tools to monitor equipment health and predict failures before they occur. This reduces downtime and maintenance costs, ensuring that machines operate at peak efficiency.

Optimise Workforce Management

An illustration showing a diverse group of workers in a training session, learning to operate advanced machinery and digital systems. Include elements such as a trainer with a presentation, workers engaging with interactive displays, and a scheduling board showing optimal shift planning. Additionally, depict a positive work environment with engaged and motivated employees collaborating and sharing ideas.

Invest in regular training and development programs for your workforce to ensure they have the necessary skills and knowledge to operate advanced machinery and digital systems efficiently. Skilled workers are more capable of troubleshooting issues and maintaining high production standards.

Distribute tasks evenly among workers to prevent burnout and ensure that all employees are working at optimal capacity. Use scheduling software to plan shifts and workloads effectively, reducing idle time and maximising productivity.

Foster a positive work environment where employees feel valued and motivated. Engaged employees are more likely to take ownership of their work, contribute to continuous improvement efforts, and maintain high levels of productivity.

Optimise Workforce Management

Empower your team with the skills and tools they need. Our Digital Transformation Starter Kit includes guides for effective training and task management.

Final Thoughts

Improving production efficiency is an ongoing process that requires a combination of strategic planning, technological adoption, and workforce management. By implementing lean manufacturing principles, adopting digital manufacturing systems, and optimising workforce management, manufacturers can achieve significant improvements in productivity and operational efficiency. Embracing these strategies will not only enhance your production processes but also position your company for long-term success in a competitive market.

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Simple Ways to Cut Costs on the Manufacturing Floor

Simple Ways to Cut Costs on the Manufacturing Floor

Simple Ways to Cut Costs on the Manufacturing Floor

Manufacturing is a critical component of many businesses, but it also represents a significant portion of operational expenses. Streamlining processes and implementing cost-saving measures can have a substantial impact on the bottom line. Here are some effective strategies to reduce costs on the manufacturing floor.

Reduce Costs, Enhance Efficiency

Transform your manufacturing processes with our Digital Transformation Starter Kit. Get practical templates and guides to streamline operations and save on costs.

1. Optimise Inventory Management

An illustration of a manufacturing floor where a worker scans barcodes on neatly organized shelves, representing efficient inventory management. A digital dashboard nearby displays real-time inventory levels and analytics, highlighting Just-In-Time (JIT) inventory, accurate demand forecasting, and supplier consolidation. The scene emphasizes reduced storage costs, minimized waste, and optimized stock levels.

Managing inventory efficiently can lead to substantial cost savings. By keeping inventory levels optimised, you can reduce storage costs, minimise waste, and ensure that capital is not tied up in excess stock.

Just-In-Time Inventory (JIT): Implementing a JIT inventory system ensures materials arrive only as they are needed in the production process, reducing the costs associated with storing excess inventory and minimising waste.

Accurate Demand Forecasting: Utilising advanced data analytics to predict customer demand more accurately helps in maintaining optimal inventory levels, reducing the risk of overproduction and stockouts.

Supplier Consolidation: Working with a smaller number of reliable suppliers can lead to better pricing, improved quality, and reduced administrative costs.

2. Improve Energy Efficiency

An illustration of a manufacturing facility with energy-efficient machinery in operation, illuminated by bright lights powered by visible solar panels on the roof. A technician monitors the equipment using a tablet, ensuring optimal performance. The background includes wind turbines, symbolizing the use of renewable energy sources. The scene conveys reduced energy consumption, lower utility bills, and a commitment to environmental sustainability.

Energy costs can be a significant portion of manufacturing expenses. By improving energy efficiency, manufacturers can reduce these costs while also contributing to environmental sustainability.

Energy-Efficient Equipment: Investing in energy-efficient machinery and equipment can reduce energy consumption and lower utility bills. Regular maintenance ensures equipment operates at peak efficiency.

Process Optimisation: Streamlining production processes to reduce energy usage, such as optimising machine run times and minimising idle periods, can lead to substantial cost savings.

Renewable Energy Sources: Incorporating renewable energy sources, like solar or wind power, can reduce dependency on traditional energy sources and lower long-term energy costs.

Boost Efficiency,
Cut Costs

Enhance your energy efficiency with our Digital Transformation Starter Kit. Get practical templates and guides to optimise processes and reduce energy expenses.

3. Enhance Workforce Productivity

An illustration showing a team of workers participating in a training session with a skilled instructor, emphasizing employee training programs. Nearby, another worker efficiently operates advanced machinery, applying lean manufacturing principles. Charts displaying increased productivity and workflow efficiency are visible on a screen in the background. The scene highlights a motivated workforce, reduced labor costs, and continuous improvement efforts.

A skilled and efficient workforce is essential for maintaining high levels of productivity and reducing labour costs. Focusing on workforce development and process improvement can lead to significant cost reductions.

Employee Training Programs: Investing in comprehensive training programs ensures employees are well-versed in the latest technologies and best practices, leading to higher productivity and fewer errors.

Lean Manufacturing Principles: Implementing lean manufacturing principles, such as reducing waste and improving workflow efficiency, can help in cutting costs and increasing productivity.

Incentive Programs: Creating incentive programs to reward employees for productivity improvements and cost-saving ideas can motivate the workforce to perform at their best.

Summary and Final Thoughts

Cutting costs on the manufacturing floor doesn’t necessarily mean compromising on quality or efficiency. By optimising inventory management, improving energy efficiency, and enhancing workforce productivity, manufacturers can achieve significant cost savings while maintaining high standards of production. These strategies not only improve the bottom line but also create a more sustainable and competitive manufacturing operation. Embracing these cost-cutting measures can lead to a leaner, more agile manufacturing process capable of adapting to market changes and driving long-term success.

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