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LabVIEW Developer Days Manchester – Day 2

by | Jul 17, 2017 | Education & Resources | 0 comments

Local LabVIEW Developers gathered together in June for National Instruments LabVIEW Developer Days Manchester. The NI team of Jason, Peter, and Charlotte, accompanied by Metis Automation’s Technical Director Martin Griffiths, hosted a collection of sessions aimed at the more advanced user.


The recently launched LabVIEW NXG 1.0 featured in several sessions at the LabVIEW Developer Days, with its exciting new development environment. This included a dedicated session on web development with LabVIEW. There is a limited feature set released in LabVIEW NXG 1.0 and National Instruments have put together an assessment tool to help you decide if it is right for your next project. LabVIEW Developer Days As you might expect from the nature of the audience we all want more and are looking forward to LabVIEW NXG 2.0. If you can’t wait click here.

But I Heard LabVIEW Does Not Work with Git or Hg?

In this session, Peter Horn outlined the main differences between centralised source control (e.g. Subversion) and distributed source control (Git or Hg). The main benefits of distributed source control are:
  • Developers can commit to a local repository even when offline.
  • Most operations are much faster.
  • Multiple developers have their own copy of the entire repository.
  • Developers can work on private code before pushing to the central repository.
In our projects, we use Hg and TortoiseHg to manage our code base. This gives a user-friendly and flexible experience for managing sole developer and multi-developer projects.