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Ignite Your Digital Transformation!

Let’s talk! Book a 1:1 call with our Chief Technical Officer to begin your journey towards digital transformation. Get expert guidance and start revolutionising your manufacturing today. 

How many licenses do I need?

Licenses are required for people or machines involved in manufacturing processes i.e. carrying out manufacturing activities on live manufacturing orders. They will need a license to work on a manufacturing order using Tascus MES.

Is payment monthly or annually?

Both are available, talk to our sales team to get a customised quotation.

Where are you located?

We are located in Cheshire in the United Kingdom, all of our product development, support and training is based out of the UK.

What industries do you work with?

We work with Tier 1 level clients in automotive, aerospace, food & drink, pharmaceuticals, energy, oil & gas.

Does every operator need a license?

No, licenses are assigned to devices (tablets or PC’s). This usually means 1 x license per work station or work centre.

Which countries do you support?

We support clients in the UK, USA and Europe.

Where is the data stored?

Either within a secure Microsoft Azure data container, hosted by us, or yourself. We also have options for on-premise data hosting.

Are there volume discounts?

Yes, speak to our sales team about volume discounts.

Ready for your demo?

Increase Your Production Efficiency
With an Award-Winning Paperless Manufacturing Software